8825 Aero Drive, Suite 205 | San Diego, CA 92123 | (619) 688-9229 | Toll-Free (866) 688-9229
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When: Tuesday, February 22 at 10:00am
Where: Online Zoom Meeting Room
You can join the Zoom Meeting Room by clicking the link below.
Meeting ID: 814 0197 2008 Passcode: 229082
Every eight minutes, the Red Cross responds to a disaster — most often, a home fire. The Red Cross set a goal to reduce fire-related deaths and injuries in the US by 25%. They do this with the help of volunteers going door to door installing free smoke alarms and providing life-saving home fire safety education. Learn what else to do to keep your loved ones safe!
Join us for another great Virtual RESDC presentation on February 22, from 10am-11am for a Home Fire Safety presentation and learn what you can do to make your home and community safer.
This is a free meeting. To RSVP, click on the green Register button and follow the steps, or call (619) 688-9229, Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 2:00pm.
8825 Aero Drive, Suite 205 | San Diego, CA 92123 | (619) 688-9229 | Toll-Free (866) 688-9229 | www.resdc.net | resdc@resdc.net Retired Employees of San Diego County, Inc. is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization.